Ocean Life and Diving
Somewhere along the line, I figured I should add more information about my outside-of-work passion, diving. The idea is to spread the word focused on our oceans and the opportunities to explore the oceans.
Dad's Diving Swan Song
The last page of the Under Water Photography Magazine is called the "Parting Shot". I submitted a story about dad diving in the Maldives. The editor chose Dad's story for the "Parting Shot", saying to me it was the perfect story considering it was quite literally dad's parting shot for diving. You can sign up for the free online magazine UWP.
Here there be Tiger....sharksJeff shared this video again with me in 2022. The original was TEN years ago. "Ten years dude!" So it is with joy that I add this to my diving section of St.SomeWhere. Thank you Jeff.
Peacock Mantis ShrimpIn my underwater videos and photos you will see several instances of this, one of my favorite creatures, the Peacock Mantis Shrimp. Neither a mantis, nor a shrimp, this creature has the "best" eyesight of all creatures on earth and the "most powerful" (and fastest) attack in the world. See the video for a full insight.
This is definitely NOT a GRL (Greg Reporting Live) video. But it happens to be a very funny and informative video about one of my favorite animals to hunt with a camera underwater around the world. The "nudi". Enjoy this video that my old time friend Trevor introduced to me on FB.
Prepared to be WOWed. Let's start with a TED talk. Imagine, if it was more obvious to countries that deep see fishing was LOW PROFIT and stopping for just one decade would profit the ENTIRE world of fishing after that decade.